Monday, August 14, 2006

Paktel changes TalkFree options

Yet another series i'll be starting in order to give some structure to this blog. Blogger does not allow categorizing posts sadly, so series will have to do. I'll do something about that pretty soon though. Anyway, here's on with the post.

So the other day, i was driving down from the office, hearing the radio, when Paktel's ad about their TalkFree package came on. Now i usually enjoy listening to it, and had it almost memorized, when something seemed amiss. They had changed their package settings...

Previously, it was like this. You pay Rs. 500 a month, and get free "15 minute" calls throughout the day on the Paktel network. After the 15th minute, you get charged 5 paisas or 3 paisas per second.

Now, they've bumped up the subscription to Rs. 700, and introduced new pricing mechanisms. They've made all calls (im not too sure since its a little vague) to the Paktel network free from 12 midnight to 6 PM, while charging 5 paisa per second from 6 PM to 10 PM and 3 paisa per second from 10 PM to 12 midnight.

Just called their customer service to confirm, and here's what i found out.
Under the new pricing mechanisms, the calls will be charged from the first minute out from 6 PM to 12 Midnight at their respective rates and for the rest of the day, the first 15 minutes will be free, after which they'll be charged at either 5 paisas or 3 paisas according to the time...

Hmm.... i wonder why they're trying to kill their package? The only good thing which remains about it is the SMS rates....

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